Brave Guard Security & Investigation Services (Pvt) Ltd.
Protection with a Personal Touch
Our Services

Private Investigation Services

CCTV Surveilance Services

Security Analysis & Consultancy

Armed Cash protection Squads.
We Safeguard What’s Important to You.
011 5354789

Brave Guard has been able to compete and continued to expand its business through deployment of well-trained and disciplined security service personnel.
Furthermore, our company has received commendable remarks from its clientele hihglighting the prompt, courteous and personalised service provided.
Protected Businesses & Homes
Security Guards in Service
Private Cases handled
Welfare to Workers LKR
Our Special Attributes
Well Experienced Trainers.
Types of Training for our guards.
Maintaining good relationships.
Regular Supervision and Guidance
Deploying Trained Professionals on short notice.
Tackling any kind of Security Problems.
We’ve Given Protection For Over 20 Years
With the Strong Reputation and Community we have been in this business for 20 continuous years and we’ll continute to serve and protect with your support.

HR Division:
0117 290 022
Security Guards
Client Testimonials
Brave Guard Security & Investigation Services are providing excellent services & I have No hesitation in Recommending aforementioned Security Company to anyone who is looking for such services.
” I appreciate the way you have trained your staffs & the way they are following their duties perfectly. Keep us the good work.

Contact Us
No 227/16, Sri Jayawardenepura Mawatha,Walikada, Rajagiriya.
Phone : 011 5354789 (General)
Phone : 011 2873114 (HR) , 011 2873120 (Finance)
Email : ,
Fax : 011-2886177